Affiliates & Sponsors & Advertisers

To sponsors who want to work with us:

If you are interested in being one of our sponsors or are interested in working with us, please email Hayley at the email below.

hayleykrischer (at) gmail (dot) com.


To our readers:

Because we’re just writers struggling for a dime, some of the links you click on might be affiliate links. What is an affiliate link? If you click on a link for a book that we either highlight or recommend and if that link goes to Amazon and you happen to buy it (phew, still follow?), we will make money off the product. How much? Enough for coffee so we can keep writing.

If you’re the kind of person who thinks bloggers shouldn’t make money and you’re angry about this, we’re sorry. But we like to shop at Whole Foods and, hello, people, Whole Foods costs the bucks!

In all seriousness, we’re writers. And writers aren’t known for making the big $$. Hopefully we’ll be able to supplement our income with affiliate links and sponsors–and hopefully you won’t be offended by this.

Keep joining our discussion. We’re just getting started.


The Femamoms

Hayley & Miriam

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